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August is Anti-Bully Month at GB!

Bullying can happen at school, on the playground, on a sports team, and in some cases even at home or online. But with so many different styles of bullying, such as verbal, physical, social, or cyber bullying, it can be difficult for children to understand how to solve the problem [...]

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Get to Know Your Professor

Spotlight on Professor Greg. I was born in Omaha Nebraska while my dad was attending some courses for the Air Force. I grew up playing baseball and most other sports and am still friends with two of my teammates from 1976. I played baseball and football in high school and [...]

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Get to know your Professor

Highlight on Professor Kyle Wendt. I am the oldest out of 5 siblings, [and] I’ve always had a dog. I enjoy being active, gym class was always my favorite class alongside art class. I met my wife in high school. We have 5 dogs of our own, all wiener dogs. [...]

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Jiu Jitsu For Self Defense

There are several martial outs out there, each having their own style of technique, training, and values. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is a grappling martial art based around self-defense, and it is widely claimed to be the most practical martial art when it comes to physical altercations. An estimated 85% of fights [...]

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Five Mental Benefits of Jiu Jitsu

Brazilian jiu-jítsu is often talked about in terms of how it can help you get in shape, get physically stronger, and help improve your cardio in ways you’ve never felt before. While all of this is true, what about what jiu jitsu can do for your mind? 1. Controlling Emotions [...]

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The Importance of the Student Mindset

What does it mean to have a student mindset? Jiu-jitsu is no easy sport. It pushes people physically and mentally, whether they have ever done martial arts or other sports in their lifetime or not. However, it is very easy to forget to leave your ego at the door when [...]

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Does your child do jiu jitsu, or are you thinking about enrolling your child in jiu jitsu classes? There are several benefits for children who train! Including increased fitness, self defense, understanding of discipline, confidence, and so much more! Keep reading to find out why your child should try jiu-jitsu [...]

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3 Exercises to add in to your workout routine for Jiu-Jitsu

Every jiu-jitsu practitioner is different. Some are or strive to be high level competitors, some train for a fun hobby outside of their daily routine, some are instructors, and some just love to train for fun and enjoy the workout!   No matter the reason you train, here are a [...]

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5 Tips for Your First Competition:

Less Than One Month Until the CompNet Missouri Summer Championship 2022! 5 Tips for Your First Competition: Are you a first time competitor? Then don’t worry if you are having pre-competition jitters, it is completely normal! Even the highest level competitors still get nervous before competition, and it is often [...]

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Spotlight on GB Chesterfield Students

Gracie Barra Chesterfield has only been open for a few months, but has already made a big impact on many students’ lives.   From 4 year olds to over 40 year olds, Gracie Barra jiu jitsu has been building people up both mentally and physically all over the world for [...]

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