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Don’t miss out. November Events and Important Dates

November 11th & 12th: Tim Cartmell Seminar
- Where?: Gracie Barra O’Fallon/LSL
- When?: Friday, Nov. 11th 6:30pm-8:30pm & Saturday, Nov. 12th at 12pm-2pm
- Tim Cartmell is a fifth degree black belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu as well as several internal
styles such as Tai Chi, Shing-I, Ba Gua, and San Soo. Tim served as the 2021 official
US ADCC team coach. He is also a two time Pan-American champion as well as a
seven time Copa Pacifica champion in BJJ. He has also authored two books on
combatives; Passing the Guard & Effortless Combat Throws. Sign up today to reserve your spot.

November 19th & 20th: AGF St. Louis
- Where?: 5555 St Louis Mills Circle, Hazelwood, MO
- When?: Nov 19th and 20th
- The American Grappling Federation is back in St. Louis! Get signed up to have an
exciting day to represent your team! Both kids and adults can register to compete, and
all the deadlines and information can be found at

November 24th - 27th: Thanksgiving Break
- We will be closed for the holiday from Thursday, November 24th through Sunday,
November 27th. Enjoy the long weekend with your families and we will see back on the
mats the following week!